
November 17, 2009

Working groups

The new upgrades on our site made it possible to add more advanced features. Since it is the society's goal to promote…

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June 28, 2009

Apel za pomoć

Pomozite nam u nasem projektu da izgradimo bolje i humanije drustvo gde cemo svi imati ista prava i sansu

Zdrav covek ima mnogo zelja, a bolestan samo jednu.(ZDRAVLJE) Neophodna nam je materijalna ili finansijska pomoc.
Hitno potreban sponzor ili partner.
Svaka pomoc, bez obzira na iznos, znaci jednu nadu više za bolje sutra.
Mi se nadamo da ce vas ovih nekoliko redova motivisati da podržite našu organizaciju u trenutnoj borbi za život.
Molimo Vas pomozite u domenu Vasih mogucnosti.
Žiro racun nase stranke 205 – 88560 – 91 Stranka osoba sa invaliditetom – Komercijalna banka – Beograd Ako niste u mogucnosti da nam pomognete finansijski mozda nam mozete pomoci na sledeci nacin:

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April 1, 2009


Dnevni list Pravda, 31. mart 2009.

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Serbia has returned to the right symbols


Crown and Double-headed eagle are symbols of the Serbia’s sovereignty! Hungary, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Russia have a Crown although they are all republics

Serbia’s Parliament is to adopt today a law regarding use of the state symbols. It has been three years since the Constitution to establish a flag, coat of arms and anthem was endorsed; it is the statute’s turn now. Dragomir Acovic, one of the leading Serbian heraldists, thinks that by passing this law Serbia has finally, “after half of century of Communist darkness and Bolshevik symbols imposed on her, returned to her ancient symbols that personify her statehood and tradition”.

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March 28, 2009

I want to edit or delete some of my posts but I cannot get into my account. Can you do edit/delete it for me?

You can edit your own posts, if you lost your login info we are sorry but we do not edit or delete…

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I changed my email address but forgot to change it in my Rodoslovlje account. Can you change it for me?

Unless you are a SGS member, and unless you have filled in your address info and other contact information that we can…

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March 20, 2009

Rodoslovlje spring update

With the spring at our doorsteps our team has been dedicated to create new updates on our site to enable better usability. This means that there will be some improvements on our website, one of the most important ones will be that the forums are going to be embedded into the site. This means only one menu and a complete inteface of languages.

Another large update will be that users will have public profiles in which they can put information they want. E.g., users can choose to put some relative information about their family tree in their profile, SGS members can create galleries and have extended permissions on the site. There is also a possibility that users can have Blogs, this however is something that is still under debate in our team.

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March 1, 2009

I submitted a question about my surname but never got a reply?

That is because the forums are the place to ask questions about surnames. Submitted questions about surnames will not be answered….

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February 21, 2009

How do I find articles on the website?

You can find articles by using the “Search” function on the website. You can also search the forums by going to…

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My name is e.g. Branković, can I use the coat of arms of that medieval family?

The answer is a simple “no”. None of the medieval nobility have direct male heirs that remained armigerous until today. A coat…

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